Friday, April 11, 2008

Lohan to perform nude so she's taken seriously(?)

I've blogged about Lindsay "No Class" Lohan before - when she posed Marilyn Monroe-esque and for my proposed short play idea of a train wreck involving her, Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears.

Lindsay Lohan is planning to appear naked in an indie film for a mere $78,944 in an effort to prove that she is a serious actress and in hopes that her melons will revive her flailing career. She has reportedly agreed to “full frontal” nudity in a role as a nymphomaniac waitress in some indie movie.

The DailyNews
reports that an insider told The Sun, Lindsay doesn’t care she’s getting paid peanuts. She wants to remind people she can act and that she is worth hiring. She is fully aware of the potential of her body. Lindsay wants to build up an image as a mature, responsible actress.

I could give a rat's ass about anything Lindsay Lohan does. What I get a kick out of his her rationale for performing nude. She assumes that taking her clothes off (which I have no problem with as an actor IF it's done in a way that's meaningful to the role) is a natural progression to be taken as a "serious actress".

If that's not the definition of a "dope", than I'm a dope. Wait - I get it now. Like how Donna Reed wasn't taken serious until she performed nude in NO MOVIES and won an Academy Award and a Golden Globe (and four-time Emmy nominee). Someone call A Minor Consideration quickly.

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