Monday, December 31, 2007

Wisconsin Governor Doyle is a Liar

While enjoying the holidays with my family in Wisconsin, I was made privy to Governor Doyle's signing of a bill to increase the state tax on cigarettes by $1.00 (the state tax is already .77 cents), making Wisconsin the 12th highest state for cigarette tax.
Doyle says it's to help further dissuade minors from smoking. If Governor Doyle was REALLY concerned with under-age smoking and the health of smokers, don't you think he'd do something to curb smoking PERIOD? For everyone? Maybe that's not within his powers as governor. Minors aren't supposed to legally smoke anyway - and if they want to smoke they'll get ahold of them. But why blatantly lie to his constituents? The state makes millions of dollars on cigarettes and cigarette smokers. The only reason he's raising the state tax is so his state can reap the benefits from cigarette smokers. He's preying on our addiction.

Nice, Doyle. Wrap your tidy little cigarette tax under the guise of 'helping to cut down minors from smoking'. Why can't you just admit the truth? Oh wait - I're a politician first.

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