Monday, December 31, 2007

Skip Bayless from ESPN's "First Take" & "First and Ten" is a Dick

Google this ass. No one - even other sports commentators - can stand him. He criticized Brett Favre for giving "five" to the ref in yesterday's Packer-Lion game, saying it was uncalled for and that it leaves room for theorists to speculate that refs favor a certain team or player.

Bullshit. It was totally spontaneous. The ref just happened to have his hand in a position where you'd think he was almost offering it to Favre. And Favre - the way he is - just went with it.

Why are we even talking about this? Zip it, Skip. And another reason why I can't stand sports commentators period. Even the ones I like I put up with. Troy Aikman, for example, I like. But during the Cowboys-Redskins game he mentioned that the Redskins were 'putting it to the metal' by still playing their star running back and receiver, Clinton Portis and Santana Moss, That's right, Aikman, you dolt. Even with the lead, why would these players be pulled? They HAD to win the game to get into the playoffs. Duh.

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