Saturday, July 28, 2007
Robin Hood and the Men of Greenwood
Classic illustration by N.C. Wyeth. 1917.
Up at the crack of dawn this morning, I was paging through a Milwaukee newspaper sent to me by my friend, Janis, while drinking Alterra Coffee (sent to me also by Janis) and I came across an illustration of a pirate. The first picture that popped into my head was this illustration by the renowned American artist and illustrator, N.C. Wyeth. It's one of my favorites - I have the poster in storage I'll someday frame. Wyeth is known for his children's book illustrations - among them Robinson Crusoe, Last of the Mohicans, Treasure Island and Robin Hood. I've always loved the legend of Robin Hood and, as I come from a family of bowhunters, Mr. Hood shares a special place in all our hearts.
If you're as interested in RH as I am, go to
for everything you ever wanted to know about England's favorite "outlaw".
Friday, July 27, 2007
New Link to Plays
Still working out a few little bugs here and there, but this is a good thing.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Biggest Little Play Festival in the World
Goodbye, De Cotter.
Her memorial was a wonderful celebration of her life and I reconnected with a number of my Blood Brother actors/friends. As a matter of fact, two of the actors are interested in performing in "Pass the Salt, Please." and we're looking at a venue in Hollywood for a future production. Funny how the passing of a loved one brings people together. Why do we wait until such a moment to rekindle friendships and loves?
Let's see, I connected with a playwright acquaintance who now lives in Birmingham, England - Jaz Davison. She now has in her possession several of my plays she plans to read; I found out one of the BB cast members moved to Hawaii - Rob Duvall; another cast member is opening his own theater in the Valley - August, and finally, a director/actor from the Westchester Playhouse suffered a similar eye injury as me (Gail) and we talked and held each other and assured each other that everything will be OK.
That's it. Isn't that enough? Thank you, De. You will be missed.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Aldo Luongo, "The Hawk" & 100th Posting on PASSION = TRUTH!
The artist Aldo Luongo was born in Argentina to Italian parents. The character you see here is Luongo's, "The Hawk" - a character spun from the memory of his father and Luongo’s discovery of his future self.
According to the wine dude at Artiste, one of the wineries we visited last month in Santa Barbara, Aldo aged his father many years to come up with "Hawk". There are 14 paintings in this series - Hawk shooting billiards; Hawk sitting on a park bench; Hawk cooking and playing cards. You get the picture. Here's the catch: these vignettes of Hawk are representative of the last 15 minutes of his life. You see, he's just been told he has 15 minutes to live and he is caught on canvas doing the things he loves to do most before he dies.
Pretty cool concept. The portrait of Hawk here was commissioned for Artiste Winery and appears as a label on select wines.
So, a Hawk - and all of you. Thanks for hanging around these last few months. I hope you've enjoyed what you've read and seen as much as I've enjoyed bringing it to you.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
A Stroll Through the Venice Canals
© Copyright 2007. All photos by Jeffrey James Ircink
Friday, July 20, 2007
"Pitch Away to Bonds!"
Monday, July 16, 2007
"Promise you will always remember me".
I had my college reunion in October last year and my high school reunion in February and like my other classmates, I reminisced. You conjure up the good ole days with some folk and that's the extent of the reunion. But then there are others who are different – you pick up where you left off and you can talk about anything and not miss a beat. And those people - those I would not miss a beat with – are mentioned below. Perhaps I've been in and out of touch with you and I apologize. Know that I think of you often and that you are my special friends that I rarely get to see (if ever) but that when we do meet up, our “reunion” is as if we were never apart. You are my friends regardless of how often we see each other, or talk on the phone or email. I put this post up in haste, so if inadvertently missed you, do not take offense – I will revisit this writing. If people think it's odd of me to write down such things, let'm. Some people wear a badge of honor – this list is a badge, of honor roll of friendship.
Eddie Wavro, Chris & Doreen Van Els, Jim Scharnburg, Mark Stanek, Kim Ellie, Jay/Tim/Wade Labecki, a number of my cousins on both sides of the family & family members, in general (way too many to mention), Ned Zoelle, Cameron Bruce, Kenny Wiemer, Ben from UW-Milwaukee, Steve Gresl, Tom Surges, Tom Millonig, Dave Wanta, Paul Voeller, Mark & Kim Totty, John Bell, Caryn Burkhardt, Echo Gaffney, Gerry Krause, Todd Peterson, Deanna Long, Damon Cole, Richard Barker, Lisa Clark, Mel & Linda Clark, Mike and Tracey Clark, Lee Hayden, Lisa Bohn, Jim & Patty Klika, Kurt Roller, Col. Marcy Steinke, Julie Stelling, Lisa in Newport Beach, Sherri & Tom Brisch, Jeff Jeanpierre, Doug Lorretto in IL, Ray Smith, Susie Streit, Pat & Sandy Gilpin, Rip & Janice Russell, Jody Hovland, Ron Clark, the Stuehn’s, the Olson’s, Saad, Ed Cotter, Dave Parke, Dan Forrest, Dan Velicer, Dave Stauffacher, Rich Inman, John Mamerow, David Ellie, Chris Korman, Kenny Koepsel, the Pilot brothers, Bishop Tom Skrenes, Greg Amborn, Tex, Bob Wade, the Ircink’s in Spokane, Eddie Hale, Jack Saunders, Gary Sauders, and Ken & Michelle Burke.
Three more names – Jeff Hall, Doug Boden(?) (ex-Lamer's bus driver in Milwaukee), and Keith from New York who I met when I moved to North Hollywood. You three are the most elusive as I have no way of knowing where you are or how to get in touch with you.
YOU are all special people to me, and I wish you were all here with me right now.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Pix from New York City
Tulips in the Shakespeare Gardens - 4 acres reserved for "quiet time alone".
View of The Great Lawn from the highest point of Belvedere Castle.
Angel of the Waters Fountain (Bethesda Angel - 1868) - South End of Central Park.
Tony Clements and I go way back to high school in Waterford. We worked on the school paper - he used to have layout parties at his house (he was editor his senior year, then I replaced him the next year). Kick ass layout parties (that's all I can really say - what's the statute of limitations on....oh, forget it).
Great actor, singer, musician, musical theater playwright. He and his partner, Rob, live on the Upper West Side - two blocks from Central Park, and Tony read in Stan's Addiction. I stayed with he and Rob for a couple days and they showed me around the city. Great tour guides. Tony and I sorta stayed in touch and kind of knew what we were each sorta doing - he was with one of the National Tours of Mama Mia for four years and doing other acting stuff in Milwaukee and I was in Iowa acting there. Anyway, we hooked up again and I'm very happy. There are people in your life that, if you never saw them again, no biggie. And there are people you wish you could see more often. Tony's one of those people.
So is Michael. Me with Michael Harrington (center), director of Stan's Addiction and John having a Guinness at some Irish pub. I met Mike back in Cedar Rapids when I first got into theatre. I think he was a freshman in high school at the time, but already a fantastic tapper and dancer. He just received his Masters at NYU in directing. Good man. Fun guy. And I believe he's gonna be a helluva director. It had been a few years since we had talked as well (before this play reading came up). So, I'm glad the play brought us back together. Thank you, Michael.
The cast of Stan's Addiction outside the Manhattan Theatre Source in Greenwich Village (the East Village). The woman is Elena Shaddow - Mike's wife, who is an up and coming Broadway theatre actress and singer, having starred or performed in several Broadway shows, and most recently the National Tour of The Light in the Piazza. I didn't get to chat with her as much as I would've liked but a nice girl.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Sort of...Kind of BREAKING NEWS!
Possibly. The director is interested in seeing what I can come up with. Not a lot of notice, but we'll see. I may just tell him I can't do it in his short time-frame. Did I say the actor in the film is a big, BIG producer in Hollywood? I did.
Stay tuned.
7/29 - They didn't use my concept. Actually never got a chance to present it. The director came up with his own idea and I looked it over, giving him some feedback. My concept was better.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
More "A Bumbershoot of Friends".
70th Anniversary - George Gershwin
I've had the pleasure to sing a number of Gershwin tunes on stage in Cedar Rapids, IA. Trust me - chicks dig Gershwin.
What Mother Wants, Mother Gets.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
GABCAST Up and Running!
Gabcast offers audio for your blog. So if I want to record a greeting or read excerpts from my plays or other writings or feature original music by my friend Nick Perkins of Aerosol Halo (currently featured) or Rick Bell from It's Only Roy or Luke Hranicka out in Fargo, the Gabcast feature located on the right panel (scroll down) allows me to do just that. And you can subscribe to it so it's readily available on your blog or site.
If you find maneuvering through blogs daunting - don't. Just hit the arrow pointing to the right and you're ready to go. After listening to an audio blog, the screen should scroll to allow you to choose others. If not, hit MENU and then the KJJI next to the orange tab - that will refresh the site. You'll know the site's ready to go if you see a KJJI under the menu and an RSS in the top right corner. Clicking on either one of those takes you off-site, where you can listen to the audio Gabcasts in different locations. I may have just made it sound harder than it really is.
The cool thing about this is that it's a feed - so when I record something via the Gabcast site, it automatically feeds it to my blog, updating your choices in seconds.
Iraq, Immigration, "Idiot" and Insurance Folly
NBC News/Wall Street Journal = 68% disapprove
LA Times/Bloomberg Poll = 67% disapprove
ABC News/ Washington Post = 67% disapprove
CBS News = 70% disapprove
Newsweek = 73% disapprove of Pres. Bush's handling of Iraq
CNN = 67% oppose the war
USA Today/Gallup Poll = 62% US made a mistake getting involved
So, it's obvious the American people aren't happy with the situation. Now, I'm not saying this is my opinion. I'm torn - I don't know.
I also heard that the U.S. may be allowing up to 100,000 Iraqi refugees into the U.S.? And that the U.S. just gave the United Nations $40 million in aid as a gesture to Palestinian refugees?
In the meantime, I'm still waiting for my former employer's insurance company (former employer heretofore known as, "Idiot") to approve my workman's compensation suit as a result of my eye injury - paperwork that's been sitting on their desk since November 2006.
Continuing. Paperwork that could've been avoided had my former employer, "Idiot", reported my work-related injury to her insurance company in a timely manner as is required by law and by the insurance coverage she purchased when she bought her mansion in Bel Air instead of waiting until I sued her - then saying (I'm putting words in the "Idiot's" mouth), 'oh, I had a worker's comp. policy all along, Jeffrey - I just NEVER reported your injury to my insurance company; I NEVER informed you I had WC insurance; I NEVER gave you the claim form to fill out when you reported your injury, I NEVER posted signage informing my employees of their rights if they're ever injured on my property while working for me (all required by law), AND I NEVER EVER even signed the claim form once you mailed it to me like I'm supposed to (also required by law) but I'll pay your medical bill with my credit card so I don't have to report it to my insurance company' (also...required by law). That's one long sentence. And the "Idiot" is still one heartless, conceited, arrogant, selfish bitch. I ask you - why would a woman of means not report a worker's injury to her insurance company when she's legally bound to? That's why you have WC insurance - so you don't get sued. Oh - but wait. "Idiot" tells me on the phone (she was explicitly told not to contact me by my lawyer) after she found out I had sued her, quote, "I guess it's true when they say no good deed goes unpunished". Excuse me (I chuckled)? What good deed did you do for me exactly? OK - she let me live on her 8-acre mansion in Bel Air for 7 years - in a nice guest house (which I miss) - and treated me like family. In return, "Idiot's" dipshit LEGAL gardener hits me with a garden house and f%^&*ks up my eye for life and then "Idiot" proceeds to violate almost every law an employer must follow under CA worker's compensation statutes. AND - get this - and "Idiot" chastises me for making my 2nd doctor visit on a day that I'm working for her (as opposed to a day that I was working my 2nd job off the property), saying, "Your first visit was on a day you work for me...I think I'm getting the short end of the stick here". Wait a second - WHO got the short end of what stick? I got injured by YOUR gardener, on YOUR property, working for YOU and it was a God damned HOSE and I GOT IT IN MY FREAKIN' EYE, LADY!!! Thanks, "Idiot". Thanks for all your "good deeds".
I'm laughing. The rich break the law. The poor and meek continue to get screwed. There are people walking around thinking they're doing good deeds for others when they're just a bunch of assholes. And our country gives aid to every Tom, Dick and Harry, but when it's own citizens need help, we continue to get the big shaft. I'm also very - very angry - like our Orc-friend there. As a matter of fact, I'd probably kick his ass.
And people still want to emigrate here. It's ridiculous. Don't get me wrong - I love my country, but something HAS to change or the Idiots of the world will truly run this planet.
[UPDATE: Three weeks ago, the insurance company said they'd mail me the forms to fill out in order to choose one of "their" doctors for an impartial check-up on my injury. It took them 6 months to inform me of this - information I had already anticipated would be "the next move"...6 months ago! Oh - and I still haven't received the doctor list from them...three weeks ago.]