Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Stroll Through the Venice Canals

I first toured the Venice Canals about a year ago when I spent a weekend in Venice. It only took me 8 years to find the little buggers. I swear - I can't tell you how many times I've searched them out only to come up empty-handed. So I went out today to snap some photos - it was a Beach Boy-esqe, gorgeous California day. The Venice Boardwalk was packed - you could tell by the line of traffic down Washington Boulevard waiting to get to the beach. Idiots. So I stayed far away from that whole mess (the canals are only 3 blocks from the beach) and aside from the few other folk touring the canals - maybe 20-30 people in all - it was wonderfully quiet and I was alone.

This is my favorite of all the homes on the canals. I've noticed it several times, but actually got to meet the owner today. Nice guy. I love this hideaway as it reminds me of Wisconsin and the Northwoods. Maybe that's the reason the owner was so nice (and he was grilling). As a matter of fact, I met four owners this day - 3 were nice and one must have been a mute because when I said hi they (2 people) ignored me (oh they heard me alright!). See two more views below.

So that's the Venice Canals in a nutshell. Nice. It was already 3:15 and the beach traffic had not let up. Idiots. I had about 30 minutes left on the meter so I hightailed it over to the Baja Cantina, sat outside in the sun and had me a Corona and a smoke. Then back home to crying children (not mine - I don't have any). Goodbye canals. Goodbye tranquility. Goodbye little black and white, herder dog. I SHALL return.

© Copyright 2007. All photos by Jeffrey James Ircink

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