Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sort of...Kind of BREAKING NEWS!

I'm supposed to meet with someone this weekend to discuss the possibility of writing a 2-3 minute very short film/commercial for this client - can't say who. Anyway this client's film/commercial will feature one of the biggest movie producers of all-time as the main character.

Possibly. The director is interested in seeing what I can come up with. Not a lot of notice, but we'll see. I may just tell him I can't do it in his short time-frame. Did I say the actor in the film is a big, BIG producer in Hollywood? I did.

Stay tuned.

7/29 - They didn't use my concept. Actually never got a chance to present it. The director came up with his own idea and I looked it over, giving him some feedback. My concept was better.

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