Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Women Celebs I Love #1 - Minnie Driver

Minnie Driver. This will be a regular feature on the blog, and the #1 denotes first in that series - not that Driver's necessarily my favorite actress. Can't quite put my finger on what it is about her, but she's sort of a combination of two women I've dated. She's currently in the F/X network series, The Riches, but it was her character, Skylar, in Good Will Hunting - and her delivery of a couple lines that endeared her to me:

You suck.


I've been sitting over there for forty-five minutes waiting for you to come talk to me. But I'm (just) tired now and I have to go home and I wasn't going to keep sitting there waiting for you.

I LOVE that line. She's a great singer and I plan on seeing her in July when she plays here in LA.

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