Sunday, June 10, 2007

Happy Birthday, Deano!

Sorry, Deano...almost forgot about your b-day. The King of Cool - Dean Martin - was born on June 7. My favorite all-around entertainer. Women loved him and men wanted to be like him. Knocked the Beatles' A Hard Day's Night outta the #1 spot on the Billboard chart and at one time was the richest entertainer in the world. Loved to put butter on one piece of white bread, fold it over and eat it, saying, 'It don't get better than that, Pally'. I know his son Ricci - definately a chip off the old block. Where would the current Ocean's 11 franchise be (starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt) without Deano, Sinatra and the rest of the Rat Pack? I love his movies, his TV show, his music - but it was his demeanor that grabbed me the most. He performed because he WANTED to, not because he NEEDED to. He answered to no one - not even Sinatra.

I miss Deano. That's amore, baby.

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