Sunday, July 27, 2014


It is with a heavy heart that I write this blogpost. Brother Jas lost his youngest American water spaniel, Zol, a week ago this past Saturday morning. To think of life without her is unimaginable. If you love or loved a pet than you know exactly what our family is going through - especially my brother. It tears at my heart to see Jason go through this ordeal. Zol was his world. And Jas was her master and she loved him so.

9 wonderful years spent with Zol has given my family so many fond memories. And my brother gave her a beautiful life. Her pain - she didn't suffer long - is gone. Our pain still stings and more tears will be shed; I am sure of that. All I want to do is cry but I'm still shocked she's gone. Our world is very empty now. It will be for quite some time.

Click on READ MORE! for pictures of Zol. Her older sister, Molly, is the other spaniel most often photographed with. Zol is smaller in stature. This one of Zol is my favorite - taken by Jason while we were making maple syrup this Spring. She was a great dog. never hurt no one.

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