Sunday, April 27, 2014

"Sugarin' 2014"! Burnin' Sap!

These pictures cover two weekends - setting up the evaporator and burning maple sap. It was an odd year - harsh winter, late start to sugaring, not as many trees tapped. We ended up with only two gallons of syrup (compared to 20 gallons last year) but "the syrup" is really second to "the journey".

Click on READ MORE! for more pictures of Brother Jason and I doing what we do this time of year.
Brother Jas and his "still".
Lumberjack Jeff.

Brother Jas and Bruce - owner of this wondrous property which allows us to harvest what God has graciously placed on this earth.

Sap flowing.

Brother Jas and I target shooting.

When that dial hits 7, we draw syrup from the sap burning in the evaporator.

This is what happens when you grab something you didn't know was very hot.

Brother Jas with Molly & Zol.

Old timer's trick - bacon grease keeps the syrup from foaming over.

Bluebird of happiness gracing our syrup operation.

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