Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Op-ed piece on ACT 10 devoid of point.

The collective bargaining reform law that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed into law in 2011 has come under harsh criticism since it was first introduced into the Wisconsin legislature. It was the underlying cause for Walker's recall election - which he won - and has been debated ad nauseum. A federal appeals court recently upheld the law and, barring any other setbacks (the Wisconsin Supreme Court is set to hear one more case regarding a Dane County judge's decision on Act 10), further debate will finally be put to bed.

In today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, retired teacher Rose Locander wrote an opinion piece on why Act 10, in the long run, will be detrimental to the Wisconsin education system.

However, Locander never gets around to giving reasons how Act 10 will actually hurt schools. She simply says that "it will" and makes various analogies regarding having your house burn down or health care but NEVER says how Act 10 will effect schools.

That's it. I have no other point...because Ms. Locander doesn't have a point. Read her opinion piece here. Tell me what I'm missing. Better yet - tell Ms. Locander what she's missing. Her email is listed at the end of the article.

For more information on Act 10, read here.

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