Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ken Koepsel: In Memorium.

Wonderful memorial ceremony at Buck Rub Outfitters in Pewaukee today for our dear friend and mentor, Kenny "Kahuna" Koepsel, who passed away this past November at the age of 84. Thanks to Scott Antczak - winner of 3 Indoor Worlds, 2 Traditional Worlds and 1 open World Championship (all in the Recurve Unaided Division) - who organized the tribute...a beautiful afternoon of speakers, eats, fiddle music and camaraderie. Also thanks to Gregory Kazmierski, owner of Buck Rub and WI Natural Resources board member, for hosting the event, as well as everyone who attended.

Pictured left to right: me, Uncle Fran Ircink, Shelley (one of Ken's daughters) & Mike Silber (tall guy), Brother Jason and Cousin Gerry Kraus.

I asked Scott if I could say a few words as he wanted someone to talk who knew Kenny well. It was emotional but I held my own and made it through my speech. Shelley brought me some of Ken's ashes as I requested. Our immediate group of hunters will distribute them during our own memorial for Ken sometime this next year.

You can visit my other blog links on Kenny - my tribute in words and pics, and our 3rd Annual Kahuna Rendezvous!

The Kahuna will live in our hearts forever....

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