Sunday, September 23, 2012

11 a.m. & 2nd Breakfast!

Above - Left to right: Pimpernel Bramble of Willbottom, East Farthing (me) and Todo Bracegirdle of Hardbottle (Brian).

So, in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the 1st printing of JRR Tolkien's masterpiece, The Hobbit (Sept. 21, 1937), there was a world-wide 2nd Breakfast held this past Friday at 11am. Hobbits love to eat - and they frequently have a 2nd breakfast. I organized this and Brian, my co-worker - was a willing participant. Green tea, cherry scones and wild honeycombs! It was a thing of beauty!

If you've never heard of Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, or The Hobbit, read here, friend.

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