Saturday, July 21, 2012

Scout Lake. Latitude, 42.940175, Longitude, -87.987066.

I spent a lot of time here while growing up in Greendale (off and on as I was born here, moved to Milwaukee, moved back to Greendale, moved back to Milwaukee, then to Waterford). My father, who was born in Greendale, spent time here as a child.

Click on READ MORE! for more pics.

You can fish here...with a state license. One walleye - pretty much anything you catch here you can only keep one of. We fished it. It's been so long...I must've caught something.

It was here, as a child, where I defied my father and trudged up this hill. See - I was gonna run down it. Dad said, "You don't wanna do that." But what did he know, right? Trudged up - and rolled down. When I picked my face up off the ground and my father could see I was alright, he said, "I told you, you idiot." I love my father.

Not exactly sure in what capacity this building was and is used. Years ago we used to ice skate here but not sure if they allow that anymore.

My start and finish point.  Made the trek around the lake in 8 minutes. Seemed like an hour back in the day.