Sunday, July 29, 2012

EAA @ Oshkosh!

Since 1970, the EAA Airventure is the largest of its kind in the world. 500,00 visitors in one week generating $110 million. This was our first visit. Above:  Close-up of Corsair - my favorite plane. It's the wings...I love those wings!

The $41 ticket was worth every penny. It's rare anyone these days gets to see vintage (or modern) planes up close and personal AND in action. Couple negatives - the $9 parking was BS, especially since there was a $5 lot across from where we were told to park and CLOSER to the complex. Also, why screw a captured audience by charging $8 for a cheeseburger? I know you can - but why?

Click on READ MORE! for a few more pics!

Jas & "Glacier Girl", a Lockheed P-38 Lightning, rescued from the ice in Greenland after crash landing in 1942. No crew members were injured. Read about the story here.

Some plane. A training plane, I guess. Vintage. I don't know shit about planes except the Corsair and this ain't it. Still looking...

Corsair. The plane Pappy Boyington's Black Sheep Squadron flew in the Pacific.

Ran into my old theater friend, Steve Rezabek, from Cedar Rapids, IA. Well, I figured he might be there and emailed his wife and she got ahold of Steve who called me. ;) Steve, his brother (Mike?) and father are heavily into planes - fly them, own them and build them - and they've been attending the EAA for 30-35 years. Had some time to catch up but mostly Steve enlightened us - on planes! Next beer in CR is on me,'s been too long

 This is how not to dress. Even in Wisconsin.

Sum Udda Bitch.

Why would throngs of people want to stand in line to board a Southwest Airlines plane? To see the cockpit? I can't think of any other reason....

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful day... I would have been tempted to jump in the cockpit of one of those vintage aircraft!
