Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dad's 75th Shindig!

Above:  me, 2nd Cousin Gerry, Aunt Ev (dad's sister ) and Brother Jason.

The party my Dad didn't want to have. He just wanted to go down to the beer tent in Greendale. But the temp was in the mid-90's and no one was really geared up to do much of anything so we stayed longer - and Dad had an excellent time. Cousin Ger came down from Steven's Point (couple hours north) and it was wonderful to see him.  Here's the playlist I put together for the shindig, featuring songs from 1956, the year Dad graduated high school.

Bob (friend of mom and dad's) and Dad.

Paula (Bob's wife) and Mom.

Bernie & Frank (both childhood friend's of my Dad's) & Aunt Ev.

Left:  Bernie & MaryBeth (she's Dad's first cousin) and Therese & Arnie. MaryBeth & Therese are sisters and grew up in the house next to mine (it's a side-by-side duplex).

Crowd shot. Tani and Uncle Bob (Aunt Ev's husband) are to the far right.

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