Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Me, Taylor & Art. Austin Film Festival. Part Uno.

What's really cool about this is that I became Facebook friends with Taylor a couple years back, largely due to the fact that she's a backup singer for Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys (and I've been a BB groupie since high school). So we struck up a friendship. Trusting on her part? In most cases, perhaps - but I'm different. And she and her hubby, Todd Sucherman, drummer for Styx, who I've also met (once) know my high school buddy, Art (pictured), who is one of the executive producers of our short film, PASS THE SALT, PLEASE. Small world? Yes?

Art and I attended the Austin Film Festival and met Taylor for lunch. She and I had met on two other occasions and this was by far the most rewarding....more relaxed, no one around to bother us. Definitely one of the highlights of the trip. (Except she keeps pushing me to get the new Apple iPhone and I'm not a cell phone fan.)

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