Monday, August 8, 2011

SI's Peter King: "Shut yer piehole!"

I'm tired of this douche bag. Leave it up to one of the biggest mouths in sports to open up a can o' worms regarding Brett Favre. King recently wrote HE THINKS Favre MAY BE SLIGHTLY tempted to coming out of retirement.

I think, from what I'm hearing (not from the horse's mouth, but from someone who would know), Brett Favre is being slightly tempted about playing football again. When I say slightly, I mean slightly. I don't think any team is going to come after him now, and I don't think he's going to pursue anything. But I do think if a starter gets hurt or stinks, and the coach has no faith in the backup, Favre is going to get a call. Depending on the team, he might consider returning.

"Thinks". "Slightly". Not from "the horse's mouth". Wow. Now that's some good reporting. Sounds like some of the stories that leads with every day. You know, the MIT writer's club consisting of Glazer, Marvez, Kriegel, Schein and Hench. All superior douches in their own right. Now this is what King wrote back on July 28, 2009:

I give up...So now I've been wrong three times. I thought he was retired last year and he played for the Jets. I thought he was retired this year, and I said he'll come back to play for the Vikings unless his arm is a problem. His arm wasn't. And he still isn't going to play. That's why I give up. Don't ask me anymore what I think about Favre, whether I think he's going to play or whether I think he's going to mow the grass for the rest of his life. I don't know because I honestly don't think he knows.

Did anyone ask him his opinion? And even if they did, that doesn't mean he's gotta write about it. I thought you gave up, King? This is why I hate the media. This is why, more times than not, I don't blame Favre for half the shit that gets reported because the media blows shit out of proportion and writes non-stories. Now Favre will get shit over all this. Please, please, please, Peter King....quit typing.

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