Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Harsh sentences following UK riots IS justified.

British actor/rapper Adam Deacon commented in this video that, though the actions of the youths (who seemed to make up a larger percentage of the rioters) during the recent UK riots was reprehensible, they shouldn't be punished - that they need a "voice" . Typical bleeding heart. It was bad, BUT...we should be doing this. Gotta make sure that "BUT" is in there.

Tell that to the elderly barbershop owner (above) whose Tottenham store was ransacked, you dumb fucker. Tell that to the people whose cars were torched, whose businesses were stolen from and whose buildings and apartments were gutted. Tell that to the six people who were found dead lying in the streets. Tell them all that, you stupid, dumb cunt.

(Side story:  Deacon co-wrote, directed and played the lead in the film, "Anuvahood", a "no-pulls-no-punches, coming-of-age story, centering on one directionless hopeless 'shotter', who finds his true worth in the face of urban adversity.") So this dipstick IS sort of a voice for the youth of today, right?

Wrong - just what the British youth don't need is a young actor/rapper commiserating with their "plight". Well, Adam, the UK judges responsible for handing out punishments to the 1,000+ rioters caught by police aren't taking a hand slap attitude with these felons. Examples:  3-month jail sentence for one idiot who stole 6 bottles of water. 6 months for one jerk-off for simply heading in the direction of the riots/looting because he was carrying a ski mask and bin bag (wonder where he was going?). Two Einsteins got 4 years each for plotting a riot on Facebook (even though their plot fizzled). And a dental nurse who left her baby at home while she went to loot the local Tesco received a 3-month jail sentence. Judges have also seen fit to take about social services from convicted rioters (food stamps, rent allowances). The best laid plans, guy & gals...the best laid plans.

The UK judges were right to inflict harsh sentences on these criminals. The sentiment displayed by the UK public was swift and massive - they wanted the courts to come down hard. Harsh sentences means the likelihood that the same criminal behavior will not be repeated. And if it is repeated, just dole out harsher sentences the next time. THIS is the rehabilitation that is needed. In a perfect world, yes, it would be more convenient, less unpleasant if every child/teen in the UK (and the world, for that matter) came from stable homes and had the advantages most children have today - but that isn't life. It's time to quit fucking around making excuses. It's time to make these little bastards take responsibility for their actions. Enough of this bullshit petty sentence crap that fails to send a message that this behavior is wrong and we will NOT tolerate it any longer.

Funny how the bleeding hearts of the world weep and scoff and cry out "but they're troubled; they don't have the advantages we have; they need our help". Yes, we all need to help those less fortunate then us, I agree. However, there comes a point when enough is ENOUGH. Are YOU a bleeding heart? If you are, would your demeaner change if you owned that barber shop pictured above? Would your heart still bleed for the troubled youth of the UK?

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