Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Glenn Beck..."now you've done it!"

Some things Glenn Beck says I agree with. Some I don't. It's like a seminar - if you take one good thing away from it at the end of the day, great.
But Beck's recent comment, regarding the shootings at the Norway kids' camp, comparing that camp to Hitler's youth camps? That's about as asinine and ignorant as a comment I've ever heard.
...sounds a little like the Hitler Youth or whatever. Who does a camp for kids that's all about politics? Disturbing.
I'll tell you who puts on a "political camp" for kids, Beck, you dumb fuck - the American Legion Boys/Girls State program. Every state (except Hawaii, I wonder why?) has one and it's been going strong since 1935. I've been affiliated with the Badger Boys State program in Wisconsin since 1981 and I've never been prouder of what it stands for and what it impresses on boys (and girls).

That's me - top row, far left - on the Ripon College campus back in the, ohhh...mid-80' the Badger Boys State program while I was a counselor. Now if by Beck's comment, he means to extrapolate and say that I was akin to a Hitler youth counselor, than here's my standing invite for Mr. Beck to come to Glen Mar (my home) in Greendale, WI so I can kick his ass. 

Beck has defended his comment, so....but hold your horses, liberal-folk...this doesn't mean I'm against everything Beck says.

But this is truly moronic.

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