Sunday, July 31, 2011

Glen Mar gardens. Sunday. 8:10 a.m.

Last day of July...and a few snaps of the garden this morning. For more pictures (and my rhetoric), click on READ MORE! Enjoy your Sunday.

When I moved here in mid-November, I had only seen the garden once in September. I really had no clue what was planted and what and where things would pop up as Spring and Summer arrived. So this is sort of a work-in-progress year. Now I can see what's planted where, what needs to be divided and moved, and what I can remove.

I'm keeping the area to the right of the patio "wild" until I get more ornamental grasses planted there this fall. I like the wildish look in the garden - as long as it doesn't overly encroach on anything else. It's subjective.

The salvia (in front, blue spires) that I planted are doing well, as is the lavender and Russian sage. The creeping thyme is....struggling. And that's being kind.

The Hakone grass I planted in front isn't growing to the expectations I had but it's growing. It needs time to spread out. I've let whatever that white and green flower is get wild to fill in spots. Maybe that's why the Hakone grass isn't flourishing like I thought it might. Though, it make take a season or two, as is the case with the Karl Foerster grass I planted.

The Ircink co-op garden. Jewel of the block. Really. 26 of the 28 tomato plants I got survived. The green beans and peppers....iffy. Got them in late and something chewed at them. Bastards. But the women's hose stuffed with Irish Springs soap seems to be doing the trick (thanks, Cousin Julie). And I'll be damned if I'll hurt the little bunny that makes its home in my yard.

Garden now.

Garden then. The "watcher" had to get up on all fours.

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