Monday, March 28, 2011

Love & Maple Syrup.

The title of this post is a Gordon Lightfoot song I had never heard (can't find it to post here but you can look on Amazon). Great yield this year, better than last season, largely due to my brother modifying his collection technique.

Found a podcast on maple syrup in New England from the editor's of Yankee Magazine...if you're interested in hearing more about syrup production. I know you don't have anything better to do. We'll go up this next weekend I think to finish most of the sap off. Good times. Click on READ MORE! to see how stopped by to say say, "hello".

Me, Brad, Greg and Jas. People will stop by now and then to check out what we're doing. Sometimes they stay for a while and imbibe.

My dad with Jas' dog, Molly.

Brad and his wife, Joy.

Greg and his son, Henry.

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