Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How dense can a politician be?

This is how completely unrealistic some politicians and some constituents can be. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, reacting to Governor Walker's two-year budget proposal on Tuesday, stated:
"...the proposed budget makes it difficult to maintain current city services across the board..."
"Maintain current services"? That's the fucking point. This state - this country's economy is for shit. Unpopular, uncomfortable cuts are needed to tackle our deficit. One can't "maintain" when you're strapped for cash and owe monies. Why is it that individuals, families and businesses are compelled to make "tough decisions" in order to rein in their expenses but the U.S. government gives $10 million to this cause or $10 million to this country when we're operating under a deficit?

Doesn't a "deficit" mean you don't have the monies? That you logically must cut back to shrink the deficit? So why is Mayor Barrett upset about the state of Wisconsin not being able to "maintain" certain services?

Delusional. And anyone who agrees with Barrett is as delusional.

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