Thursday, March 17, 2011

dia dhuit (dee a ghwit). Twenty Major.

One of Dublin's most notorious bloggers. Check it out - and may God be with you.
I come from Dublin, Ireland. This is my blog. I am a kind, considerate, gentle person who always sees the good in the world.

I also have four arms, a hundred brothers and I own Tallaght. Some people ask “Is Twenty Major’s real name really Twenty Major?”. To them I say “Twenty Major’s real name is Horace Understudy. Or Twenty Major’s real name is Arnold Micstand.”

I drink in Ron’s bar. He has the best Guinness in Dublin. He is also a big cunt so I wouldn’t bother dropping in. I drink with my mates Jimmy the Bollix, Stinking Pete, Dirty Dave, Lucky Luciano and sometimes Splodge who has a big fuck off birthmark on the side of his face, hence the name.

I have a dog called Bastardface, he is enormous and eats knackers. I also have a cat that I rescued from the banks of the canal near Dolphin’s Barn. He is called Throatripper and he kills stuff.
If you want, you can see Twenty Major take a poop all over the world.

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