Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Governor Walker protesters can be a nasty sort.

Unless you live under a rock, you're aware of the protests in Madison, Wisconsin regarding newly elected Governor Scott Walkers' budget plan to shore up our state's fiscal status by widdling down public employees' collective bargaining rights.
"Nasty sort". Course, the anti-Walker contingent can say the same about the pro-Walker contingent - Republicans, the right, conservatives, pro big business, etc - that we're nasty. The point is Trevor Teeters (above) is proof in the pudding that no one is an angel.

I got on the FB page, 540,000 To See Scott Walker out of WI, to monitor the anti-Walker buzz. I posted a link to a Politifact article, a fact checking resource, that stated Rachel Maddow's take on Wisconsin's budget was false. Trevor thinks my link was bullshit and that Politifact has a Republican slant. And he told me so by using words like "cunt", "asshole" and "poop".
I might add that I found another Politifact article that stated a Wisconsin Republican senators' statement on a related issue was false. I wondered if Trevor still thought Politifact was biased toward conservatives. Trevor disappeared off Facebook.

And...I'm no longer allowed to post on 540,000 To See Scott Walker out of WI.

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