Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1250 ESPN's The Big Show is a big dud.

So these bozos from ESPN 1250 in Milwaukee were all over the Packers' shit at the beginning of the season. After all, Green Bay was chosen by many to go to the Super Bowl. Then Green Bay got hit with a rash of injuries - 14 or 15 players on IR - including their starting RB and TE. Something like that. So these yahoos jump off the Packer bandwagon, touting how they're done sipping the Kool Aid and are resolved to look forward to the next season.

Then the Pack started winning again and are now in the Super Bowl. Suddenly these jerk-offs are back on the Packer bandwagon.

I get shit for boycotting the Packers when they wouldn't take Favre back three seasons ago. I get shit for following Favre to the Jets and the Vikings. I get shit for not being a "team" player and following one player. At least I stuck by my guy. What about the chumps from The Big Show?? They're credibility is shot. Spanks.

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