Saturday, January 1, 2011


It's turned into a tradition that I high-tail it down to Wheaton, IL every Christmas season for dinner with my best friend from college (Tom Kazar), his wife (Denise), the maid of honor in their wedding (Aurora - I was the best man) and Marco & Betsy. Good wine. Great food. Better company. We worked out at the gym. Got to hang out with Jacob and Joseph (the Kazar boys)....always a pleasure. (Left to right): Betsy & Marco, Denise, Aurora and Tom.

Click on READ MORE! for more shots. I mean pictures - we don't do shots anymore.

Jackie. Labradoodle. She thinks she's a model BUT she doesn't eat my coffee grounds, right Packy?

(Top to bottom): Denise, Aurora & Betsy.

Dinner is ser-ved!

Prime...what is this called again, Tom? Twas good.


More appetizers.

Hosts Tom and Denise.

The Kazar Christmas tree.

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