Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Billy Balfoor Wants An Apology" rehearsals in Sydney!

Steve Warwick (sitting) and Chris Turner rehearse "Billy Balfoor Wants An Apology", my 10-minute short which runs February 16-20 at Newtown Theatre in Sydney, Australia as part of Short & Sweet/Sydney, The Biggest Little Play Festival in the World.

"BBWAA" is the third act of the full-length play, "How To Kill A Boy". Fifteen years after Laird Clazerbak took up temporary residence at the home of Billy Balfoor ("the most eviliest boy on the planet") and his mother, Billy somehow manages to track Laird down, kidnap and hold him bound and gagged in an abandoned warehouse. Why? Revenge - but all Billy really wants is an apology. Who’s gonna bend first? Warwick and Turner play Laird and Billy (respectively).

For more information on the play, click here. Click here for more details on Short & Sweet/Sydney.

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