Saturday, December 25, 2010

"Scenes from an Ircink-style Christmas." 2010.

Walking is safer.

It's 18 miles from Greendale to my hometown in Waterford. The first 12 miles south were fine. Then it started snowing. Not much - 1/2 inch on the ground maybe. But the last 6 mile trek home I saw two cars in the ditch and one asshole who cruised by me like the pavement was dry ("asshole" began fishtailing all over the road 100 yards ahead of me, ending up facing me, on the other side in the shoulder). Didn't think Aunt Karen (mom's sister) and her two sons Brian (and wife, Jill) and Mark and his two children, Willem and Wyatt, would get to our house (they had a 45 minute drive).

But everyone arrived safely. We ate, drank, exchanged gifts, laughed, took pictures and watched "A Christmas Story" for the hundredth time (when he was younger, Brian was the spitting image of "Ralphie"). Click on READ MORE! for the documentation in pictures of last night's Christmas Eve at the Ircink's in Waterford, Wisconsin.

And finally, gifts from me to my family - Dad, Mom, Jason, and dogs Molly & Zol (not pictured, or the gifts - they ate them). Merry Christmas!

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