Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Congratulations, Scott! You've just become Gov'na!

I mean...Wisconsin Governor-elect Walker.

I've known Scott since 1983, or thereabouts. We counseled together at Badger Boys State for a few years. It's been a while, but I'm quite confident that when we see each other next, it'll be like yesterday. It's like that with Boys State people, you know. It was no secret among our group back then that Scott would immerse himself in politics. Now, I've never been big on politicians...or career politicians. But I know Scott. How many politicians do you know? He's a good man. And I'd trust him with my life - even after all these years.

And don't even try and ask me for favor...

PS. I have several pics of Scott and I. They're in storage. Once I move (to Greendale), I'll find them, scan them and post them.

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