Saturday, October 9, 2010

I found my desk!

So I'm in Iowa City to see my friend Rip Russell as Eddie Carbone in Dreamwell Theatre's "A View from the Bridge". Rip's wife, Janice, and I (and Rip) are tooling around IC and we stop in this antique store. I'm moving to Greendale, WI any day and am in need of furniture (bed, sofa, desk, fridge, TV, blah, blah, blah). And I spot this desk.

The price tag said "solid oak, early 1900's". I found this inside the drawer. The little information I found on the Web said Gray Furniture was founded in 1909 and was known for it's manufacturing of Craftsman furniture.

$120. Score! It's a library desk and I need a desk in the spare bedroom/office. This is perfect. I love antiquing. I'm gonna fill the Greendale house with antiques up the ass.

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