Sunday, July 18, 2010

What I did on my summer vacation.

Weed whacked at a cemetery. No shit. My 2nd cousin Mary Beth's (Dad's first cousin) hubby, Bernie, owns WENTA Monuments (they make headstones) and two cemeteries: Good Hope and Pilgrim's Rest. Bernie, Mary Beth and I were having a few beers in Greendale for the 4th of July and Bernie asked what I was doing this summer (I go back to teaching in the Fall).

That next Tuesday I found myself at Good Hope cemetery whacking weeds around tombstones. And helping bury bodies (Bernie didn't tell me I'd be helping out with that task until after he hired me).

My arm is sore. I'm generally soaked through the bone with sweat. I'm exhausted. I've sprained my ankle and my arm. But truth be told, I enjoy it. It's peaceful. The cemetery's are beautiful. No one talks back to you ('cause everyone's dead, get it?). I'm getting into better shape. I'm getting sun. I get to see Bernie's kids - Chuck and Mike - more often. The guys I work with are great and Bernie's an excellent boss. And I look forward to going to work.


1 comment:

  1. =) i concur. cemeteries have always been one of my favorite haunts.
