Thursday, July 1, 2010

That crazy Favre...

...up to his old tricks. First, Brett says he would like a shot at beating the Super Bowl Champs - the New Orleans Saints (the team that beat the Vikes in the NFC Championship last season by 3 points in OT). Then Favre says he feels he can still play at a high level. And THEN he states his ankle is healing on schedule. But he hasn't committed to returning for a second season with the Minnesota Vikings.

How can my life go on? If Favre doesn't make a decision I'll just die. My God, he's so selfish...not being 100% sure his 40-year-old body can take another beating. He should know his own body, for heaven's sake. Or maybe he knows he's coming back but doesn't want to go to training camp. Gee whiz....that...that Favre! Will he or won't he? Don't care? Good - I don't care if he misses training camp either. SKOL FAVRE! SKOL VIKINGS!

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