Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Separated at Birth? Brett Favre's sprained ankle & my sprained ankle.

Brett Favre's ankle (top) after the Vikings loss to the New Orleans Saints last year in the NFC Championship game (lost by 3 in OT, a game the Vikings gave away). And my ankle after a severe sprain Monday at my summer job. Not as bad as Favre's. The sprained I suffered when I fell backstage performing in "Blood Brothers" in Los Angeles was just about as bad as Favre's...my ankle looked like someone glued a tennis ball to it. And I passed out twice before making it the dressing room backstage. But - I went on for the 2nd Act and never missed a cue.

I hobbled to work today - ankle bandage and wearing a high hunting boot. I told people I "favred it out". SKOL FAVRE! SKOL VIKINGS!

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