Friday, July 16, 2010

Cali's a great place to visit...Solstice Parade compromised!

Rules of Solstice Parade: No motors on floats and no signs or signature of any sort. Oddly, nothing in print that says a float can't make a political or social statement; however, I'm very certain that floats of a political and social nature are not allowed. So why the Mexican man with Mexican children wearing masks and pulling a pack of cigarettes with a skull attached?

I emailed the Solstice committee but haven't heard back. If this sort of float is allowed, who's to say a float protesting the current administration in Washington, or a float in favor of the Arizona illegal alien bill, or a float protesting cruel and inhumane treatment of animals shouldn't be allowed??? See what I mean? The parades intent is not to lecture but to celebrate Summer Solstice.

I don't get this.

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