Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Cali's a great place to visit!"

My brother and I just got back from 10 days in California. Camping in Sequoia National Forest (or Park or Monument, whichever it was), got drunk on wine in the Santa Inez Valley while celebrating Solstice with family in Santa Barbara, watching Cousin Mike's band, Glenview Lane, perform, spent time with my goddaughter and Grace and Donovan and Maria and Jay and Susie and family in Tujunga, lots of hiking....good time, but not enough time. Never is. I will say this: after having just moved back from Los Angeles in September 2009 after 11 1/2 years - Cali is a great place to visit.

Sure we had some disappointments. The "Sell-out" of Yosemite. AirTran Airlines so broke it can't afford band aids. Rental car companies who don't have the car you rented when you arrive. Spider bites in Sequoia's Tent City. Lost cameras (we don't know this for sure). Solstice Parade contradiction in float policy. But...hey, nothing's perfect. Not even Californ-i-a. Keep an eye out for my series of blog posts on the trip.

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