Sunday, May 23, 2010

Origami No. 28. "Note to a friend".

"Your recent behavior perplexes me. I am vexed.

In my heart of hearts, I have given you all that I have - the best that I can offer you. You have always given me the same. I deserve your continued full measure of respect. Anything less is a revelation of your true self, which would be against your character and not what I've come to expect from you. I am profoundly disappointed in you.

And yet, I still love you."

- "Note to a friend", May 2010

Listen...for my friend.

(Origami is sort of my catchword for a featured blog post that highlights my original writings - could be an excerpt from one of my plays, a poem, a song, a rant, a rave, a cursing, etc. Origami is the art of folding paper (the word is of Japanese origin). Or, it could be the creative juices of someone else I know - or don't know. So, within the folds of this particular blog feature you may find something really beautiful, meaningful or poignant.)

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