Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Jim Rome has become passé.

I'm ambivalent toward sports broadcaster, Jim Rome. No. I'm tired of Jim Rome. I appreciate it when he talks favorably about Brett Favre, but the long and short of it is I wouldn't miss him if he disappeared off television and off the radio airwaves.

I don't have a problem with Rome's television show because he only has a half-hour and he's forced to be succinct. My beef is with Rome's radio show because he repeats the same phrases over and over and over again and belabors every point he makes ad nauseum. Seriously. Every point he makes he just doesn't make once - he makes it 3, 4 or 5 times.

If you don't believe me, listen to a segment of Rome's radio show on "Softball Guy". Blah, blah, blah. Make your fucking point and shut the fuck up. Also, check out Frank Caliendo's impersonation of Rome on Fox NFL.

But make sure you watch this classic which illustrates how much of a dick Rome can be - Rome interviewing former NFL QB, Jim Everett.

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