Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Antispyware Soft Virus = Cocksucking, motherfucking bastards.

Pissed isn't the word. My computer became infected with this program last week. It pops on suddenly and says you have a virus and then flashes its program on your computer for you to purchase and fix said virus.
It doesn't. Like a dumb ass, I bought the program. I don't normally do that. I have an antivirus program but it failed to ward off this piece of shit virus. Not sure what I was thinking. Perhaps my mind was on fishing or thinking about Brett Favre or how Jane Fonda was reading my award-winning, 10-minute play, "Pass the Salt, Please." (we're shooting the film version of it). Anyway, once you've been infected, this vomitous mass doesn't let you open ANYTHING. NOTHING. Not even the program they're telling you to purchase to get rid of the virus.

$240 to fix. I needed my computer fixed ASAP in order to send out some play submissions and didn't have time to dick around with it myself. Milwaukee PC reloaded Windows and transferred all my data.

Luckily, I got the $50 back these fuckheads stole from me for their non-working program (actually, I cancelled my credit card before the charge went through). Now I'm on a quest to get my $240 reimbursed from Antifuckspypiss Soft Virusshit and I will pursue these assholes like flies on shit. I will write the Better Business Bureau. I've begun sending their support team harassing emails. I will find out where they're located and I will sue them if I have to.

Antispyware Soft Virus. Fuck you. Other than that, everything's working now (knock on wood). SKOL FAVRE! SKOL VIKINGS!

(Oh...Jane Fonda loved my play but passed for personal reasons. We haven't given up yet.)


  1. Sorry to bug you Jeff but how did you add your music player to your page? I tried to post mine as feature of my page but it was added as a blog post. Hmm? Any advice? Thanks.

  2. berto! go to http://www.playlist.com/ and set up your own playlist. you can add to it any time you want. after you get a playlist set up (and you can set up multiple playlists), it'll show you how to install as a jukebox on your blog. ;)

    email me at jeffbumbershoot43@gmail.com if you have any other questions about blogs or blogging. it'll be easier to converse that way.
