I've noticed that some liberal media like to refer to members of the Tea Party as "teabaggers".
On the surface, the term makes sense. However, when you consider the other definition of "teabagger" - the one that was first known before the Tea Party came about - I'm wondering why the liberal media can't grow up and simply refer to members of the Tea Party as "tea party members" or "tea party constituents" - something other than "teabaggers"?
The commonly known definition of "teabagger" these days, as stated in Urban Dictionary, is: "teabagger": n. A man that dips his scrotum and testicles into the mouth of another person. (as if dipping a tea bag into hot water). Now maybe some of the members of the Tea Party, do in fact, take part in this practice. Maybe some of the Democratic Party members or liberals do as well.
I am not a member of the Tea Party, nor do I take part in "teabagging"(the Urban Dictionary definition). I'm no prude - maybe it's fun. But when a member of the Tea Party is referred to as a "teabagger" it's pretty obvious that it's an underhanded smack. I would think that if the liberals and Democratic Pary wanted to be respected by people of varying political beliefs, they'd realize this and knock off the namecalling. I mean, would it be fair for me to walk around calling all my liberal, Democratic friends, "asses", because the donkey is the symbol for the Democratic Party?
How would I be viewed in your eyes? It's certainly not the way to gain anyone's respect. Unless that's not something the Dem's and libs aren't interested in.
oh brother give me strength..... now please hand me a bottle of green tea.... no more teabags for me, thank you!