Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pork in the health care bill?

House Democrats. Health care. Another big push. Couple things I don't get.

1.) Why is an overhaul of the student loan program included in the health care bill? This has all the makings of "pork" or "earmarks", doesn't it? Dem's add their pork (student loan program) to try and get the health care bill passed. Same thing. I was under the impression that President Obama called for an end to this pork bullshit (even though he signed the stimulus bill choke full of pork). Hypocrites. Lying, bastard hypocrites.

2.) AND, according to a professor and director of the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford Law School, the manner in which the Dem's plan to get this health care bill passed is unconstitutional.

What gives? And don't comment and ask me, "don't you want health care, Jeff?" That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking two very simple questions: why is the student loan program bill included in the health care bill and why are Dem's trying to unconstitutionally pass the health bill?

1 comment:

  1. i also just read that the health reconciliation bill leaves out ban on money going to ACORN that was in House Student Loan reform bill. what the fuck? underhanded bastards. liberals bitch about conservs but they're ALL a bunch of hypocrites.
