Monday, March 8, 2010

Kathryn Bigelow. Double Oscar winner.

First female to win the Best Director Oscar (The Hurt Locker, which also won Best Picture). Attractive. Bigelow, that is. Check out this Charlie Rose interview from 2009. Apparently Bigelow has made a habit of hiring "unknown" actors for her films. Anyone got an address for her?

I haven't seen The Hurt Locker and wasn't planning to. However, I've talked to three friends who've seen it and thought the movie was OK, but were perplexed at the hubbub, particularly the Oscar nomination and win. Guess I'll have to check it for myself.

I was perusing IMDB this morning and, honestly, the only movie of Bigelow's I enjoyed was The Weight of Water, starring Sean Penn, Catherin McCormack, Sarah Polley and Elizabeth Hurley. (look for Hurley in a future "Women Celebs I Love" post). Excellent movie - check out the trailer here, particularly if you love murder mysteries and history.

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