Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jeff Bridges...Renaissance Man.

Photo by Jeff Bridges, courtesy of JeffBridges.com

I haven't seen Crazy Heart yet. Should do that this week (before the Oscars). I have a ton of respect for Jeff Bridges. I'm guessing - from his website and my gut - that he's a lot like his "Dude" character in The Big Lebowski. Or I should say, "The Dude" (don't need any Lebowski fans raging). You've gotta check out his website (I've blogged about this before). One of the best I've EVER seen. The man sings, works with pottery, is into photography, cartooning, been married to the same woman for 30+ years, we share the same name...what's not to smile about here?

The picture above was taken by Bridges on the set of Crazy Heart. Go to his website for more of his work.

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