Thursday, February 4, 2010

Um...I think I'll just have the water.

This Polack walks into a bar....oops. Can't say that. Wait - yes, I can. I'm Polish (mother's side) - I think. Hmmmm...yep, I am.

I'm not known for my political correctness. I am polite and respectful and I have manners - thanks to my parents. The two are very different. I have gay friends and black friends and Mexican friends (am I not supposed to say that?). I had an Asian friend but he punched me in the face and we no longer talk. But these days, even some Indians, Asians, Blacks, Gays, Mexicans and White folk can't even decide what's correct and what's not. Please - someone, give this white boy some direction (am I not supposed to say that?)? Seriously...I'm lost.

From Michelle Malkin's website: "On Martin Luther King Day last month, the Denver Public Schools served Southern-style fried chicken, biscuits, and collard greens for lunch. Despite the fact that MLK was actually from the South and actually liked those foods, the racial grievance crowd raised hell and complained that the menu was RAAAAACIST — prompting an apology from the school system."

So NO fried chicken. NO collard greens. Gotcha.

February is Black History Month. NBC in New York puts out the feast in honor of BHM with this menu (see photo below):

NBC's menu features fried chicken, collard greens and black-eyed peas and NBC didn't get into any trouble. (Thanks, SECupp.)

I love fried chicken. I don't know if I've ever eaten collard greens - but I like salad. And I like peas. I've had refried beans before.

I'm still confused. Would you call this being oversensitive? I mean, if NBC served Irish stew, potatoes, corned beef & cabbage to celebrate St. Patty's Day, is that wrong? Or if a school in Californian were serving Polish sausage and perogi's on...on....well I don't know a Polish holiday off the top of my head. Should I run down to the local school to protest Taco Thursdays? Won't the Catholics get all bent out of shape if some company or institution somewhere decided to have a Friday Fish Fry?

Anyone? Buehler? I need an answer - I'm dying of hunger here. And all I have is a half a jar of gefilte fish in the cupboard.

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