Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New York Times/CBS Poll...President Obama enjoys edge.

Really? "Enjoys"? I suppose it's a question of semantics. The results covered 33 pages, so let's look a few key pollng stats. And remember, you can fudge stats any number of ways to make them look favorable for whatever side of the fence you're on, so here's the poll in its entirety. This way you can derive your own conclusions.

So the President has a 1% lead on approvals versus disapprovals. That must be the edge Obama should be "enjoying", according to the New York Times' lead-in to the poll results. 51% said they are dissatisfied or angry regarding their feelings about the Obama administration. Hmmm...let's look at some other categories:

62% polled say things are going in the wrong direction for this country. Tell that to Congress - their approval rate is no big surprise, with 75% of the respondents disapproving:

52% disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy:

And 55% disapprove of the way Obama is handling health care.

58% disapprove of the way Obama is handling the deficit.

81% polled say they do not feel members of Congress deserve re-election. And 46% say the next generation of Americans will be worse off than we are today.

OK. Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy, health care and the deficit. They think Congress stinks (on the top of the right panel of this blog click on the link to my PRO Party concept and read how I believe Congress can reinvent itself), don't like the direction the country is heading and believe the next generation will be worse off than we are now.

Not "enjoyable" poll results if you ask me. Why aren't the liberal media/bloggers talking about this - or maybe I just missed it?

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