Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Viking Oath.

I am Jeffrey James Francis Ircink of Waterford, Wisconsin, son of James the Bald and Dolores, defender of Vikings from the Bad Lands to Winter Park. I will show my horns to both friend and foe. One to give cheer, the other to give fear, such that it freeze the hearts of men who dare come to the land of ice and snow. They will know by where green and gold fled, by our feasting on lion and bear, by the horns on our head. I will show my horns in weather fair and foul. I will show my horns until I whisper SKOL with my last breath. I will show my horns to the young, because our story will be their lore. To this I pledge my sacred honor and my purple blood!

SKOL! SKOL! SKOL! (My brother Jason swears by the same oath) KILL THE COWBOYS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck Vikings! Tomorrow many (many) of us are cheering for you. BTW.... I, Tamra Towers, daughter of Sharon the Irish Rose and Jack E. keeper of the Tower.... hereby states that she wants to see those Ircink horns. ;-)

    Skol Vikings (that is good luck... not wanna chew?)

    xoxo Jeff... certainly hope Mr. Favre goes all the way.
