Monday, January 18, 2010

Viking DT Williams on Dallas LB Keith Brooking: "He was about to get his ass whupped on our sideline over there."

Here's the crybaby douche after the game. There's an assortment of videos below the featured video. It's in there somewhere. It's worth it to see a grown man blame the Vikings for his team's ineptitude.

So Brookings bitches that Favre's TD to Shiancoe at the 2:00 minute mark at the end of the game with a 27-3 lead on Dallas was "classless" on the part of whoever's calling plays on the Vikings' sidelines. Take your mommy's tit outta your mouth, Brooking and read this.

1. Did the Saints pull their starters after stomping AZ, 45-14? Did Dallas pull their starters after stomping Philly, 34-14? I don’t believe they did.

2. Stop the Vikings. You play defense. How 'bout some pride. Do your job. NFL players get paid lots of money - to score points AND to defend against getting points.

3. On a YouTube video, Keith Brooking is leading his team in a pre-game rally before the Washington Redskins’s game.

Brooking shouts, “We’re gonna keep hitting ‘em!”
Cowboys shout, “Yeah!”
Brooking shouts, “We’re gonna keep hitting ‘em!”
Players shout, “Yeah!” again.
Brooking says, “They might get back up. Then we’re gonna hit ‘em again! And when they’re barely hanging on…”
One Cowboy answers, “What’re we gonna do?”
Brooking says, “We’re gonna hit ‘em in the mouth! We’re gonna bloody their nose! We’re gonna knock ‘em to the ground!”

Someone explain to me why it’s convenient for Brooking to utter those words in order to pump up his team but when the Vikings “keep hitt’em, hit’em again, then hit’em in the mouth and bloody their noses and knock them to the ground” by scoring a last minute TD, it’s seen as rubbing it in?

Sure, you can be a poor winner. But you can also be a poor loser. I think that last minute TD helps to send a message to NO that the Vikes are a threat in their own house (NO). Shiancoe’s TD gives him confidence going into the NFC Championship game. this season IS NOT OVER. ANY momentum can only help the Vikings. i think Brooking’s bitching afterwards was a classless as what he considered the Vikings did. It's a 60 minute game...not 58 minutes. I don't care if the score is 100-0. Fuck off, Keith.

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