Sunday, January 31, 2010

"In vino veritas". Cedarburg "wine country".

We partook in some vino at the Cedarburg Winery and Ernie's Wine Bar Friday evening - my Aunt Ev and Uncle Bob and U. Bob's brother Tom, who's visiting from Santa Barbara. A+.

"The king sits in Dunfermline town Drinking the blude-red wine." Trad Ballad, 'Sir Patrick Spens'

"Wine gives us liberty, love takes it away. Wine makes us princes, love makes us beggars." Wycherly, The Country Life

"Drink wine, and you will sleep well. Sleep, and you will not sin. Avoid sin, and you will be saved. Ergo, drink wine and be saved." Medieval German saying

"I'm drinking some wine, eating some cheese, and catching some rays, you know..." Oddball in Kelly's Heroes (1970)

1 comment:

  1. Love the background music...also nice pics at the wine tastings! Let's get together at a coffee shop and read some of Tom's poetry. Aunt Ev (or a winery somewhere!
