Thursday, January 21, 2010

Favre on Fire. SI Cover. 1.25.10.

Let's hope he and the Vikes STAY on fire. I make no predictions. Far as I'm concerned, the NFC Championship is anyone's to grab. Just want a good game and for the Minnesota Vikings to play the best game they're capable of.

Although I find it odd that the date on this issue is Monday, the day after the NFC Championship game. Favre may be doing another one of these (see above cover) or something completely different (which we won't discuss right now).

I did a blog post back in 2008 that featured all the Sports Illustrated covers that Brett Favre graced. But I missed a few. Some came after the original post and I missed a few. The one's I missed are below. The other 9 can be seen here. By my count, that's 14 total. OK - I'm done. SKOL FAVRE! SKOL VIKINGS!!

2.5.97 SB XXXI (left) and 3.17.08 Green Bay retirement (right)

3.12.08 Commemorative issue (left) and 9.15.08 Brett the Jet (right)

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