Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Vikes lose to Bears in OT, 36-30, Vikes 11-4.

With Favre's 300+ yard game, 2 TDS and a 106 QB rating, I'd normally be happy.

Talk about a physically draining game. For me. Down 16-0 at the half, the Vikes decided to play the 2nd half and scored 30 points and established momentum. A Favre fumble in the 1st half led to 3 points for the Bears. Longwell missed one extra point. No protection for Favre in the 1st half. Shit defense. And the straw that killed the camel was in OT - Adrian Peterson's fumble - after getting a first down - sealed the Vike's fate. Not sold on AP. Sorry but the mindset in the beginning of the season about how Favre would have it easy just handing the ball to Peterson was bullshit and I never bought into it.
Remember how Favre’s OT INT in the NFC Championship agin the Giants got all the blame for that loss? No one talks about the receivers not getting separation, no running game, poor O-line play or the Packer who should’ve just fallen on the Giant fumble instead of trying to pick it up in regular play. Everyone hinges on the INT.

I’ll do the same with AP’s fumble. Momentum was in our favor. AP had the first down. It’s not like this was in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd quarter. It was OT in a game where your team sucked the 1st half. When AP tries to do more, AP fumbles. He's not a smart runner. Yeah – Favre fumbled which led to 3 Bear points. Longwell missed the extra point. The defense sucked and special teams sucked and the O-line wasn’t protecting Favre in the 1st half. But in the end – like the Favre INT in the Giants game – I put this on AP and his history of fumbling the freakin’ ball.

What are the ramifications of the loss? The NFC Championship goes through New Orleans. If the Vikes beat the Giants at Minnesota next week and Dallas beats Philly at Dallas, the Vikes clinch a 2nd seed and a bye.

NEXT WEEK: Last game. New York Giants (8-7) @ Vikings (11-4).

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